Online Perceptual Dialect Atlas

Click here for Japanese interface.

Choose the type of maps to view.

Perceptual Maps of Japanese Language Varieties

Maps of Areas Perceived as "Standard Japanese"
Maps of Areas Perceived as using the "Most Pleasant" Speech
Maps of Areas Perceived as using the "Least Pleasant" Speech
Maps of Areas Perceived as "Kanto-ben" or "Kansai-ben"
Maps of Areas Perceived as using a Specific Dialect
Composite Maps for Various Survey Regions
Positive and Negative Characteristics Maps

Perceptual Maps of the Kinki Region (Japan) Language Varieties

Perceptual Maps of Korean Language Varieties

Paper: The Perception of "Standard" as the Speech Variety of a Specific Region Computer-Produced Composite Maps of Perceptual Dialect Regions

Perceptual Dialectology Bibliography

The maps on these pages were produced using PDQ (Perceptual Dialect Quantifier for Windows 95), designed by Daniel Long and programmed by Isao Onishi. You may contact Daniel Long by e-mail at

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